Energy Vulnerability and Urban Transitions in Europe (EVALUATE)

Energy Vulnerability and Urban Transitions in Europe (EVALUATE)
- European Research Council
The aim of the project
- to establish the causes, character and consequences of urban energy vulnerability in ECE cities
2013 – 2018
- University of Manchester (leader)
- Central European University in Budapest
- Charles University in Prague
- Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje
Engaged persons
- Bouzarovski S., Herrero S.T., Petrova S., Frankowski J., Matousek R., Maltby T., 2017, Multiple transformations: the emergence of post-communist energy vulnerability as a socio-spatial formation, Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography 99(1), 20-41.
- Presentation: “Energy vulnerability of the urban areas in Gdansk. First results of EVALUATE project” (18.06.2015, Jan Frankowski, Sergio Tirado-Herrero)
- Relation from conference – expert seminary “Energy vulnerability of the urban areas” (Jan Frankowski, Sergio Tirado-Herrero)
- Other products of the project are regularly published on website