Prof James Wesley Scott

Research interests
- border studies
- geopolitics
- cross-border cooperation
- transboundary regionalism in Europe and North America
- urban and regional development policy
Selected projects
- Beyond Core-Periphery Debates: New Member States in the Construction of EU
Selected publications
- Scott J. W., 2016, EU enlargement, region building and shifting borders of inclusion and exclusion, Routledge, New York.
- Liikanen I., Sotkasiira T., Scott J. W., 2016, The EU’s Eastern Neighbourhood: Migration, Borders and Regional Stability , Routledge, London.
- Brambilla C., Laine J., Scott J. W., Bocchi G., 2016, Borderscaping: Imaginations and Practices of Border-making, Ashgate Border Regions Series, Aldershot.
- Scott J. W., Liikanen I., 2013, European neighbourhood through civil society networks?: policies, practices and perceptions, Routledge, London/New York.
- Eskelinen H., Liikanen I., Scott J. W., 2012, The EU-Russia Borderland: New Contexts for Regional Cooperation, Routledge, London.
- Liikanen I., Scott J. W., 2011, European Neighbourhood through Civil Society Networks?: Policies, Practices and Perceptions. Routledge, London.
- Scott J. W., 2006, EU Enlargement, Region-building and Shifting Borders of Inclusion and Exclusion, Ashgate, Aldershot.
- Scott J. W., 2013, Constructing Familiarity in Finnish-Russian Karelia: Shifting Uses of History and the Re-Interpretation of Regions. European Planning Studies 21(1), 75-92.
- Kolossov V., Scott J. W., 2013, Selected conceptual issues in border studies, Belgeo. Revue belge de géographie 1/2013, DOI:10.4000/belgeo.10532.
- Keresztély K., Scott J. W., 2012, Urban Regeneration in the Post-Socialist Context: Budapest and the Search for a Social Dimension. European Planning Studies 20(7), 1111-1134.
- Scott J. W., Kuhn M., 2012, Urban Change and Urban Development Strategies in Central East Europe: A Selective Assessment of Events Since 1989. European Planning Studies 20(7), 1093-1109.
- Scott J. W., Laine J., 2012, Borderwork: Finnish-Russian co-operation and civil society engagement in the social economy of transformation. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development 24(3-4), 181-197.
- Scott J. W., 2011, Reflections on EU Geopolitics: Consolidation, Neighbourhood and Civil Society in the Reordering of European Space. Geopolitics 16(1), 146-175.
- Scott J. W., Liikanen I., 2010, Civil society and the ‘Neighbourhood’ – Europeanization through cross-border cooperation? Journal of European Integration 32(5), 423-438.
- Scott J. W., van Houtum H., 2009, Guest Editorial: Reflections on EU Territoriality and the ‘Bordering’ of Europe. Political Geography, 28(5), 271-273.
- Scott J. W., 2009, Bordering and Ordering the European Neighbourhood. A Critical Perspective on EU Territoriality and Geopolitics. TRAMES A Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences (13)3, 232–247.
- Scott J. W., 2007, Smart Growth as Urban Reform: A Pragmatic ‘Recoding’ of the New Regionalism. Urban Studies, 44(1), 15–35.
- Scott J. W., 2005: The EU and ‘Wider Europe’: Toward an Alternative Geopolitics of Regional Cooperation? Geopolitics 10(3), 429–454.
Book chapters
- Scott J. W., 2015, Bordering, Border Politics and Cross-Border Coooperation in Europe [in:] Celata F., Coletti R. (ed.) Neighbourhood Policy and the Construction of the European, External Borders. SPRINGER. GeoJournal Library 115, 27-44.
- Scott J. W., 2014, From Europhoria to Crisis. Cross-Border Cooperation, Euroregions and Cohesion [in:] Dominguez L., Pires I. (Eds), Cross-Border Cooperation Structures in Europe. Learning from the Past, Looking to the Future, Peter Lang, Basel, 81-94.
- Braum G., Scott J. W., 2013, Smart Growth: Sustainability Innovation. [in:] Mieg H. A., Töpfer K. (eds.): Institutional and Social Innovation for Sustainable Urban Development, Routledge, Abingdon, 44-56.
- Scott J. W., 2013, The EU’s Role in Promoting Cross-Border Co-operation: Perspectives from the Finnish-Russian Border Region. [in:] Ergun A., Isaxanli H. (eds.): Security and Cross-Border Cooperation in the EU, the Black Sea Region and Southern Caucasus. IOS Press, Amsterdam, 22-41.
- Kolossov V., Scott J. W., 2012, Karelia: A Finnish-Russian Borderland on the Edge of Neighbourhood. [In:] Eskelinen H., Liikanen I., Scott J. W. (eds.): The EU-Russia Borderland: New Contexts for Regional Cooperation. Routledge, London, 194-210.
- Scott J. W., 2012, European Politics of Borders, Border Symbolism and Cross-Border Cooperation. [in:] Wilson T. M., Donnan H. (eds.): A Companion to Border Studies. 620 p., Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 83-99.
- Scott J. W., 2011, Borders, Border Studies and EU Enlargement. [In:] Wastl-Walter D. (ed.): The Ashgate Research Companion to border studies, Ashgate, Farnham, 123-142.
- Scott J. W., 2010, The European Union, the Emerging Neighbourhood and Geopolitics of Inclusion and Exclusion. [in:] Gorzelak G., Bachtler J., Smętkowski M. (eds.): Regional Development in Central and Eastern Europe. Routledge (Routledge Contemporary Russia and Eastern Europe), London/New York, 188-212.
- Scott J. W., 2009, New Regionalism and Evolving Territorialities of the State [in:] Scott J. W. (ed.), De-Coding New Regionalism. Shifting Socio-Political Contexts in Central Europe and Latin America, Ashgate, Aldershot, 249-256.