Bridging old and new divisions in regional governance between “core” and “periphery” in Europe’s “east” and “west”

Bridging old and new divisions in regional governance between “core” and “periphery” in Europe’s “east” and “west”
- RSA Research Network
The main aim of the project
- To expand a fledgling network of local and regional policy makers and academics (members and non-members of the RSA) and embrace less involved cities and urban regions
2008 – 2009
- Centre for Urban and Regional Governance, University of Westminster (leader)
Engaged persons
- Report: Herrschel T. (red.), 2010, Report of the RSA Research Network on Bridging old and new divisions in regional governance between “core” and “periphery” in Europe’s “east” and “west”, Regions Magazine Volume 278, Issue 1.