Farewell time

Dr. Stanislaw Rzyski worked at the Department for 15 years. At the early career stage he investigated demographic challenges and the quality of life; after Ph.D. Stach drove his scientific interests to the social perception of the large-scale energy investments. He was one of the most appreciated and popular teachers at the Institute. Stach especially loved fieldwork and now he will focus on practical research, connected with environmental monitoring and investment support on the coastal areas.
Iwona Marzejon-Frycz participated in the Department activities since 2011, when she had defended the Master’s Thesis, distinguished in the national contest Teraz Polska. In the frames of her Ph.D., she has been investigating tourism issues, asking how to strengthen and extend the offer of our region with special regard to the coastal areas. Her meticulousness usually allowed students to defend their Master’s Thesis in the first round! For years Iwona has been conducting own business activities, making the special occasions more delightful.
Jan Frankowski… that’s me, the content producer of this website. Some information about my department activities are here, I decided to conduct research beyond the university. As a takeaway message, I would like to thank all the readers and wish you good luck in achieving your goals!