Organization and functioning of urban agglomerations

About 90 scientists as well as practitioners took part in the conference. All the presentations and discussions were held together by the subject of different aspects of governance on urban agglomerations. Dr Jakub Szlachetko took part in the second plenary session with the topic of “Metropolis as a special phenomenon. Concepts of border’s deliminations in science and politics”. Then, Rafał Gajewski gave a speech on “Towards metropolitan union in pomorskie voivodship” on the second day of the conference.
Participants of the conference paid special attention to the presentation given by prof. Marek Szczepański who asked in its title if metropoles and urban agglomerations rule the world. He approached this question in an unusually transparent and interesting way and talked through the main determinants that influence the importance of metropoles in global economy. Another especially interesting case was the speech given by the representative of Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg on „Metropolitan Governance – Challenges for the federal and decentralized administration in Germany”. It dealt with the matter of relations between central and city-regional authorities as well as legal framework for cooperation in different city-regions.
Papers will be available in the post-conferencial publication.