“Housing Act or Lex Developer? About the controversial regulation from the position of a lawyer” – the next RECOURSE Seminar

The current Act of 5 July 2018 on the facilitation of the preparation and implementation of housing investments and accompanying investments has met with criticism from numerous representatives of the scientific community, lawyers and urban activists in recent months. The regulation has even begun to be referred to as a “lex developer” in the public discourse.
The controversial rules of the Act will be the subject of a detailed analysis by Dr. Jakub Szlachetko, Assistant Professor at our Department, who deals with the the issues concerning local government and spatial planning in his research.
The forthcoming seminar will take place on October 17 at 1 PM in room B 214 (wing B), in the building of the Institute of Geography at the University of Gdańsk, at Bażyńskiego 4 Street.
We also encourage you to read the full schedule of seminars in the upcoming semester and to actively participate in the meetings. Here you can find more information about the RECOURSE seminaries.