Challenges ahead of cities and metropoles

High population density, deterioration of the natural environment, the occurrence of substandard districts, infrastructure overload, scarcity of clean water, and social participation – these are the topics that were raised during the meeting with the 2nd-grade students of the high school no. IX in Gdynia Orłowo. All in the context of a discussion about the most important challenges faced by cities and metropoles.
During the discussion, Dr. Joanna Stępień, Tomasz Mikulski and Rafał Gajewski, referred to the problems of global metropoles as well as Polish and Tri-City experiences. The students were particularly eager to talk about their own observations related to the daily use of public services, as well as the consequences of suburbanisation in the area around Gdynia and Gdansk.
We hope that perhaps even in this academic (or school) year, and certainly in the next years we will be able to participate in classes in the IX high school in Gdynia. We would also like to invite high school students to visit our campus in Gdańsk!