The impact of gentrification and social-exclusion on socio-spatial restructuring in inner-city of large cities

Author of the photo: Maja Grabkowska
The impact of gentrification and social-exclusion on socio-spatial restructuring in inner-city of large cities : Warsaw, Łódź, Gdańsk after 1990
- National Science Centre
The aim of the project
- To describe the tempo, scale and spatial forms of gentrification and social exclusion in Gdansk, Lodz, Warszawa.
2012 – 2015
- University of Lodz (leader)
- Institute of Geography and Spatial Organisation Polish Academy of Sciences
Engaged persons
- Grabkowska M., Frankowski J., 2016, Close to the city, close to the univeristy? Are there symptoms of studentification in Gdańsk, Poland?, Bulletin of Geography. Socio-economic Series, 32, 73–83.
- Grabkowska M., Jakóbczyk-Gryszkiewicz J., Stępniak M., 2015. Socio-demographic setting of the investigated cities after 1989, [w:] J. Jakóbczyk-Gryszkiewicz (red.), Gentrification processes in inner-city of large cities: Warsaw, Łódź and Gdańsk, Studia, t. CLXV, KPZK PAN, Warszawa, 20-42. [PL]
- Grabkowska M., Stępniak M., Sztybel-Boberek M., 2015. Conditions of gentrification in inner areas of the investigated cities, [w:] J. Jakóbczyk-Gryszkiewicz (red.), Gentrification processes in inner-city of large cities: Warsaw, Łódź and Gdańsk, Studia, CLXV, KPZK PAN, Warszawa, 61-85. [PL]
- Grabkowska M., Stępniak M., Sztybel-Boberek M., Wolaniuk A., 2015. Socio-spatial changes of the inner cities as a result of gentrification processes, [w:] J. Jakóbczyk-Gryszkiewicz (red.), Gentrification processes in inner-city of large cities: Warsaw, Łódź and Gdańsk, Studia, CLXV, KPZK PAN, Warszawa, 86-138. [PL]
- Grabkowska M., Stępniak M., Wolaniuk A., 2015. Characteristics of the housing stock, [w:] J. Jakóbczyk-Gryszkiewicz (red.), Gentrification processes in inner-city of large cities: Warsaw, Łódź and Gdańsk, Studia, CLXV, KPZK PAN, Warszawa, 43-60. [PL]
- Grabkowska M., 2015. Between gentrification and reurbanisation: The participatory dimension of bottom-up regeneration in Gdańsk, Poland. Geografie, 120(2), 210–225.