RSA conference is behind us!

RSA Conference „Smart City-Regional Governance for Sustainability – Spatial Smartness” was held on 21-22 September 2017 in Gdansk. Speakers from over a dozen countries, representing leading centers for the research in regional and urban policies, were participating in four sessions devoted to various aspects of the spatial smartness.
During the discussion, we were trying to order some theoretical issues related to the smart city concept. All the participants had a great opportunity to take part in debates concerning different aspects of relations between as well as within regions. Simultaneously, a great amount of practical research was presented concerning e.g. local border traffic experiment at the Polish-Russian border and the implementation of the smart city concept in The Gdańsk-Gdynia-Sopot Metropolitan Area.
The Conference was co-financed from the RSA Project Smart City – Regional Governance for Sustainability and Project Beyond Core-Periphery Debates: New Member States in the Construction of EU.
The final agenda of the conference is available here
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