11 innovations improving urban democracy in Europe. A preliminary report on our research in the EUARENAS project has been published

The first twelve months of the EUARENAS project came to an end. The work carried out by our research team resulted in the selection of 11 techniques out of a multitude of forms of activities undertaken in various European cities to introduce or improve participatory and deliberative management methods. They will be further investigated and analysed in more detail in the coming year.
Among the 11 means of repairing democracy and meeting the challenges of neoliberal urban policy, which we found particularly interesting from the point of view of the implementation of the project objectives, the following techniques are to be found: Citizens’ Assembly, Participatory Budgeting, Social Hackathon, Quartiersmanagement, District Liaison Officers, Quartiere Bene Comune, Deal for the Communities, etc.
The selection of cities in which particular innovations were implemented took into account their geographical distribution in the five regions of Europe identified for research purposes:
- Atlantic – Galway, Wigan;
- Western European – Berlin;
- Northern – Copenhagen, Helsinki;
- Mediterranean – Barcelona, Reggio Emilia;
- Central European and Baltic – Budapest, Wrocław, Gdańsk, Voru.
Detailed analyses of the studied cases were designed in two stages, conducted in four research steps:
Stage I – desk-based research based on the analysis of existing materials, including monitoring of:
1) source documents (existing documents);
2) media discourse (media content);
Stage II – field research conducted with the use of techniques:
3) community reporting;
4) Focus Interviews.
The information about the publication of our report and its full text has been published on the website of the EUARENAS project coordinator, available at the following link: https://www.euarenas.eu/post/d3-1-case-studies