We are busy! EUARENAS is entering the next phase

We are pleased to inform that the phase of data gathering has just finished.
In cooperation with our project partners, we have managed to collect a huge amount of data regarding the analysed case studies. The field research of the case studies consisted of two phases based on two research methods — Community Reporting and Focus Interviews. The former served to better explore the experiences of regular citizens with the participatory and deliberative processes under investigation.
D3.2 Mid-term Report provides a summary of all activities taken in WP3 “Case Studies”, including:
Section 1: Point(s) of departure: Recapitulation and readjustments
Section 2: Data collection: Implementation of field research on case studies
Section 3: Preliminary data analysis: Preparation of case-study summary reports
Section 4: Research publications
Section 5: Further steps
You can find the full text here: https://www.euarenas.eu/_files/ugd/e14654_b1f1e42efcae4fae971a686eb8556313.pdf