On 2 October 2024, Prof. Iwona Sagan and Dr Maja Grabkowska represented the UG team at the conference ‘Cities as Drivers of Deliberative and Participatory Democracy in Europe’ summarising the EUARENAS project. They were accompanied by a member of the Community of Practice project working group, Dr.-Ing. arch. Hanna Obracht-Prondzyńska from the Department of Spatial
The Conference “Urban Cultural Change: Smartness, Sustainability, Inclusion”, organised by our Department was held in Gdańsk on 29-30 November 2018. It was full of thought-provoking and inspiring contributions!
Dr Grzegorz Masik took part in the 2nd International Conference Of The Urban Development Issues Journal, which was held in Kraków on the 5th of October 2018
MSc Rafał Gajewski took part in the 2018 Urban Affairs Association Annual Conference which was held in Toronto between 4th and 7th of April. Its theme was: „Shaping Justice and Sustainability Within and Beyond the City’s Edge:Contestation and Collaboration in Urbanizing Regions”.
The conference on „Organization and functioning of urban agglomerations” was held in Katowice on 8th and 9th of March. It was organized by the Local Government Law Department at the University of Silesia. Dr Jakub Szlachetko and Rafał Gajewski took active part in the event.
The Conference „Spatial Justice in Europe” as well as the workshops within the “RELOCAL: Resituating the Local in Cohesion and Territorial Development” project were held in Barcelona between February 13th and 15th.
Prof. Iwona Sagan took part in these events as a member of the Advisory Board of the project, which is financed by the EU Horizon 2020 Programme.
Between 24-26th of January dr Joanna Stępień participated in the conference entitled “Health: the design, planning and politics of how and where we live”, which took place in Bristol, Great Britain.