Professor James Scott will join our Department!

Our long-standing partner, Professor James Scott from the University of Eastern Finland has decided to join our team within POLONEZ programme, financed by National Science Centre. Professor James Scott will do the research here for 2 years, from January 2017. We are extremely happy that we will gain an opportunity to work in one team with one of the best world’s researchers in the area of regional policy and border studies.
James Wesley Scott is Professor of Regional and Border Studies at the Karelian Institute at the University of Eastern Finland in Joensuu. He is a former Research Fellow of the Leibniz-Institute for Regional Development and Structural Planning in Erkner (Germany) and Associate Professor (Privatdozent) of Geography at the Free University of Berlin. Prof. James Scott obtained his Habilitation (2006), his PhD (1990) as well as his MA (1986) degrees at the Free University of Berlin and his BSc at the University of California, Berkeley (1979).
Among his research interests are: urban and regional development policy, geopolitics, border studies, trans¬boundary regionalism in Europe and North America as well as the spatial implications of Eastern and Central European transformation processes. He has coordinated numerous EU funded research projects on cross-border cooperation such as EXLINEA, EUDIMENSIONS and EUBORDERSCAPES within the EU’s Fifth and Sixth Framework Programmes, respectively.
Source: European Institute of cross-border studies
Project Beyond Core-Periphery Debates: New Member States in the Construction of EU is funded by the National Science Centre (Polonez 1) to support scientific projects implemented by foreign researchers, co-financed within the Marie Skłodowska-Curie COFUND Action in Horizon 2020.