On 2 October 2024, Prof. Iwona Sagan and Dr Maja Grabkowska represented the UG team at the conference ‘Cities as Drivers of Deliberative and Participatory Democracy in Europe’ summarising the EUARENAS project. They were accompanied by a member of the Community of Practice project working group, Dr.-Ing. arch. Hanna Obracht-Prondzyńska from the Department of Spatial
The results of the first part of a comprehensive analysis of the case studies investigated in the framework of Work Package 3, coordinated by our team, have been published on the EUARENAS website (Results > Case Studies). The review of 11 participatory and deliberative processes that have been taking place in the 10 European cities we
The DSEG team implementing the EUARENAS project participated in project workshops combined with a scientific conference from September 20 to 22, 2023, organized by the partner team from Wrocław.
On 11-15 July 2023, the 35th annual Congress of the Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP) took place in Łódź. It was attended by Prof. Iwona Sagan and Dr Rafał Gajewski.
Prof. Iwona Sagan attended the Regional Studies Association’s Annual Conference 2023 which was held in partnership with the School of Economics and Business, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.
In June we had the opportunity to appear at the 10th Forum of Participation Practitioners in Bydgoszcz. It was an event where people involved in participatory processes had the opportunity to meet, exchange experiences, and talk about current problems and directions of policy development.
In mid-May, another meeting of the EUARENAS project consortium took place, this time in Berlin, involving practitioners and experts in participation and deliberation (Community of Practice) who collaborate with us, as well as local guests invited to participate in workshops under the theme “Democracy Action Day.” The first part of the meeting began with short
On 29-30th March, EUARENAS partners met in one of the project pilot regions in Võru County. The Development Centre of Võru County was our host. During two days the project key issues, problems and achievements we discussed with the use of the World Cafe method.
We are pleased to inform that the phase of data gathering has just finished. We also encourage you to read the report that provides a summary of our case studies.